Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Why it's dangerous

    Although most experts say it’s fine to enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, excessive drinking is tied to health conditions including high blood pressure, heart and liver disease, stroke and cancer. Too much alcohol can cause depression, anxiety and sleeplessness, and it weakens your immune system.

  • Beter relationship & no more hangovers

    A better relationship with alcohol can mean better relationships with the people you care about.

    More quality time together + Fewer arguments

    The chance to bond over different activities

    Less tension + No more hangovers

    You may spend your weekends nursing a hangover or suffering from ‘the fear’. This is the low mood that often follows a night’s drinking.

    To wake up with a clear head and feeling energetic can be a welcome break. This will help you to make the most of your free time.

    Taking the focus off alcohol can give you new experiences that do not involve drinking.

  • weight gain

    As well as the calories in alcohol, drinking also makes us more likely to eat too much. Most of us have experienced this. The visit to the chip shop after a night out or the nibbles to go with our glass of wine or beer.

    Alcohol triggers the part of the brain that makes us feel hungry.

    Alcohol reduces your inhibitions. You’re less likely to worry about picking the unhealthy options when you’ve been drinking.